These Perch have an approximate length of 25 – 60mm and have been spawned and grown under controlled conditions on our 200 acre farm near Childers in Queensland and are now ready for sale.
Growing Out
Silver Perch are rapid growers and can reach plate size (>500g) in 10 – 12 months. Their natural schooling behaviour means that they can be densely stocked in farm dams, ponds or reticulated systems. These two attributes alone make them a very popular choice for growing out in farm dams, ponds and reticulated systems.
On The Plate
The clean white colour and the texture of their flesh makes this fish an attractive choice for many seafood lovers. In particular, their ability to readily absorb the flavour of oriental spices also makes them a favourite for Asian cuisine.
Compliance with the Translocation Policies of various Australian States and Overseas Countries is essential.
Queensland, Interstate and International customers are reminded that it is a legal requirement for the purchaser to ensure that any species of fish purchased from Abington Aquaculture Pty Ltd is compliant with Queensland legislation or that of other States or Countries.
Abington is unable to accept any responsibility for the non-compliant purchases, translocation or release of any species other than that which is specifically imposed on it by virtue of Queensland legislation.
For guidance on the stocking of private dams in Queensland please go to List of Drainage Divisions for Fish Stocking which provides guidance as to which species are permitted to be stocked within the State’s respective Drainage Divisions.